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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Blankenship

Travel during a Pandemic

Updated: Nov 6, 2020

Are you tired of the staycation and wondering how travel will be during a pandemic? After nearly eight months of navigating the difficulties of traveling during a pandemic, I have a few tips if you are ready to venture out. First, if wearing a mask is an issue for you, then you probably should wait a bit longer before traveling as most countries require masks. Secondly, travel has changed to make travel as safe as possible for everyone. If you don't mind change, then yes, get started on that bucket list! Self serve buffets are a thing of the past. You will find servers ready to fill those plates. Once cruising opens up, filtered air without cross contamination is the new bonus for traveling on ships. Road trip anyone? It is a great way to travel safely during a pandemic. The United States has some amazing sites to see and you can get to all of them by car. Whether it be a family trip or a solo trip, it is a great way to get out and begin travel again. However, you choose to travel, stay safe and enjoy the ride!

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